What is clinicalRSVP?

Certifying participants is a snap


Our system was designed by research sites so it’s made to fit a site’s day to day operations. And because our system is based on biometric fingerprint technology, all you need is a fingerprint to explicitly determine who is unique to your study.

   Real-time, Web-based platform

clinicalRSVP’s Web-based platform is easy to navigate and simple to use. Simply login to access the clearinghouse and start authenticating your subjects immediately.

   24-Hour help line

Your research doesn’t take time off. That’s why our site and participant support team is here for you 24/7/365. Whenever you have questions, we’re just a phone call away.


clinicalRSVP is Web-based; no complicated hardware installation is needed. Sites can be up and running in less than one day. The clinicalRSVP database administrator handles any system maintenance, validation, and user support, leaving sites free to focus on conducting research.

What our Partners are Saying
We feel great about the additional assurance over subject enrollment achieved by our site’s subscription to clinicalRSVP. In addition, IDI has been very responsive to our support needs, proving themselves to be a reliable database administrator.

Harpreet Smith
Data Architect
Seaview Research